map-marker New Castle, Pennsylvania

Don’t want people to go what I went through

The Mastercraft door I ordered was a special order door at a cost of $2000.00 I have sent pictures and requested compensation for covering this total junk door.

The company after numerous pictures and the extra cost insulation of this garbage door .

Any one considering buying from this company dont do it .

I removed a 25 year Pella door that was and is better than this piece of *** .

Again dont do it .

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Jerry S Qgm

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| map-marker Minneapolis, Minnesota

Door dimensions not standard.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

For over 150 years an exterior door has been 1 3/4". Mastercraft has made their doors 1 13/16" meaning the common so-called door and lock reinforcements do not fit. Buyer beware.

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User's recommendation: If you plan a metal door and lock reinforcement, think it through.

Hale Rpi
map-marker Chicago, Illinois

Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have all of the "finish" peeling off in sheets on all the door jambs. Ughhhh.

Mastercraft Doors - Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have all of the...
Mastercraft Doors - Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have... - Image 2
Mastercraft Doors - Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have... - Image 3
Mastercraft Doors - Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have... - Image 4
Mastercraft Doors - Three months hung and five of six prefinished doors have... - Image 5

I don't know where the begin.

Six prefinished Brite white craftsman style prehung doors and five are going bad. The sixth one was replaced for the same reason before our carpenter put it in because it was peeling as soon as it arrived.

Whatever they are finishing the frame/ door jams with is peeling off in sheets like vinyl laminate and it can't handle the temperature change.

Our house is air conditioned in this heat and maintains a temperature of 73.

They have been hanging for just over 2 months and I'm beside myself.

I am sending them a message for their request tomorrow with photographic evidence my receipts for over 6,000 for this project and hoping they will make this right. Clearly this was a bad batch or a complete overhaul of manufacturing process needs to be done.

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User's recommendation: Just say no.

Alex Yrv

Hi You arent the only one, I probably had this same batch bought them in March but just started to see this a month ago, I shot this video, did they pay for a reinstall? I will sue them if not https://***/watch?v=j2PK_w7MWpI

reply icon Replying to comment of Alex Yrv

They will NOT pay for install. GUARANTEED - it took 3 months of asking for them to say NO every time.

reply icon Replying to comment of Alex Yrv

They did not and will not pay for reinstall. We had to wait for a contractor and just got them put in last week.

They will stick to their warranty program and have never had a lawsuit brought against them that stuck. Because they have the implied 10-year warranty and the doors are installed the consumer has no recourse. If you have not requested replacements yet do so and go with the same doors however get primed hardwood frames upgrade and tell them you want them for free.

We did this and they agreed to it. I will never buy anything from that company again good luck to you.


Adding a comment for everyone to see... I am the creator of this review and in doing what they asked me to do, taking photographs of the top of each door in order to locate manufacturing stamp/codes found out that the doors are in fact not made in the USA has midwest manufacturing, mastercraft doors and Menards...

All the same corporation...

Are in fact made in China and Mexico yet everything on their websites for each company state probably made in the USA/ America. WOW

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Proudly... Not probably

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David H Jpd

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Verified Reviewer

Poor workmanship poor support

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Mastercraft Doors - Poor workmanship poor support
Mastercraft Doors - Poor workmanship poor support - Image 2

Special ordered a door. The door came with a cracked and damaged door jamb.

The brick mold was improperly nailed and nailed thru the door itself on the top.

Contacted them got the song and dance that needed to send pictures.

Which we did afterwards of sending pictures received zero communications from then. A garbage product with garbage support from them

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  • Zero pros
  • Garbage product garbage support

Preferred solution: Payment fir the time and materials it took to fix it

User's recommendation: Buy jeld wen!

Michael L Wso

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Franklin Park, Illinois

Lot of choces

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I very disappointed with menards that carry ur doors the which I received form mastercraft was the wrong size I took it back to menards they would not exchange for a different size I know this don't concern u but maybe someone with mastercraft might give some help on this issue if possible My email is Michaellukasiewicz@***.com

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User's recommendation: Ur doors a great but don't use menards as a seller

1 comment

Menards owns Mastercraft - AKA Midwest Manufacturing. They ONLY sell at Menards and BOTH are total crap

Michael L Wso

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Franklin Park, Illinois

Not to good

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Menards won't stand behind ur product I said this because the door that was xchange was the size I took it back for a different size they would not exchange it I did not appreciate this I know this concern u but I would appreciate some kind of feed back .

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User's recommendation: Don't by ur product at menards

ted u Arg

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Verified Reviewer

Interior doors not cut uniformly

I bought several interior prefinnished raised panel doors from Menards and when I started to install them side by side the dam hinge buts werent cut in at the same distance from the jamb head now the space between the door and door jamb head doesnt match up with the door next to it now I need to recut the dam hinge buts to match up what a flipping joke and no reason for it poor workmanship

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Akiera Ifw
map-marker Alma, Michigan


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

ONE DAY after the door being installed it rained and the window leaked. I have been calling Menards and Mastercraft and their solution is to send ME a window that I have to replace. I am livid!DOON

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User's recommendation: Buy something else

1 comment

What are you complaining about? They are sending what is needed to solve your problem and it is much easier for you to replace just the window than it is to replace the entire door.

Judy M Vto

Door will not unlock

New door put in and will not unlock.Called Menards they said they would replace the door but it is already installed. So we cant afford to have it replaced again. We have adjusting it, but it is still locked.

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Preferred solution: Someone to unlock it.

Andrew A Kwo

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| map-marker Mesa, Arizona

Poor quality

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I purchased a door from menards special order. After i put it in i noticed the threshold was damaged.

and the dead bolt cover plate was missing. It took menards and mastercraft more then 30 to resolve the issuses. the sent a new door frame and again cover plate for dead bolt was missing. the door frame was stapled at the bottom and one side completely pulled apart.

out of the 3 staples only 2 it the mark. after repairing that and installing the door lastly i put the dead bolt cover plate on.

What a joke it was plastic, and its size and shape did not fit the cut out in the door. I would not recomend buying this brand door.ould not recommend buying this brandI w

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  • No rot frame
  • Poor quality

Preferred solution: Price reduction

Vyctoria Gue

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Verified Reviewer

Poor product quality

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have purchased four Mastercraft doors from Menards at different times. All were six panel steel entry doors.

While inexpensive, the build quality is poor. Two of the doors were not square (the top jambs were a quarter of an inch wider than bottom jambs) and one door had excessively wide jambs (gap between door and jamb 3/8" from top to bottom) such that door hardware barely made contact with the strike plate.

All four doors had the mortising on the jambs off to the extent that bolts didn't fit into the strike plates (off by one-fourth to one-half an inch). These errors doubled the amount of work involved in setting the doors and made me wonder if buying a less-expensive door was truly a bargain.

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  • Decent looking
  • Cheap
  • Poor construction

Preferred solution: not looking for a solution

User's recommendation: Buy with caution and expect to have to do more work than you planned

Shirley F Mcx

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Verified Buyer

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Verified Reviewer

"Tempered glass" over kill

Mastercraft Doors - Tempered glass over kill
Mastercraft Doors - Tempered glass over kill - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I ordered 1 door w/ 5 double glass panes that run vertically down one side of the door Each pane has the "Temper Glass" info permanently stamped and etched on each pane 3 time. The etched info can barely be seen but the stamped info can be seen from the street.

I've tried multiple ways to remove it. Nothing works but one is stamped inside the sealed frame. It looks horrible. The display from which I ordered my door had no such stamp.

Mastercraft basically said it was to bad. Their supplier sends the glass that way.

After 30+ years of using Mastercraft doors on multiple rentals and remodels of 3 homes we've lived in I will never buy another. Seems like false advertising to me.

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  • Poor customer service and false advertising

Preferred solution: I want the glass replaced.

User's recommendation: Sell products as displayed in retail locations. Find a new glass supplier

1 comment

Bought the double door to access my patio and drive. Today couldn't get out the door.

It has 3 point security system and the top one is caught some how. Something has come loose on the top one. I can not open my door.

Now I need someone to remove the door so we can see what the problem is. So much for 3 point security it is double the problem of something going wrong.

map-marker Town And Country, Missouri

Door jambs

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Partical jambs are bowed, cannot hide nail holes with filler. I purchased for the solid core door for sound insulation.

Installation was difficult. I'll never purchase a Mastercraft pre hung door again.

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User's recommendation: DON'T BUY

map-marker Herrin, Illinois

Horrible interior door hinges

Mastercraft Doors - Horrible interior door hinges

I finished building my house in 2019 and installed all Mastercraft doors interior and exterior. It is now April 2023 and have already replaced all exterior hinges because the doors were sagging.

Now I have to replace all my interior door hinges. The pin the holds both sides together are so loose the doors do not fit well at all. We are an older couple and kids are grown and gone from the house. So we do not have little ones hanging on handles that would possibly cause the issue.

Im going to spend more on quality hinges than I did on the doors when I purchased them.

I have around 21 hinges to purchase after basically 3 years usage. Will never buy Mastercraft again.

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User's recommendation: Do not purchase if you want a door that lasts

map-marker Niles, Michigan

Purchased 3- 3/4 view internal blind exterior doors 1- door has big dent in it

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Bought 3- doors at Menards michiwaka in 1- had big dent towards bottom possible to send replacement door to address ?

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